SharePlay Connecting...

How to use SharePlay 👀

For the Host

  1. Click the Start Session button. Do this if you'd like to control the play or pause status of the video. Once clicked, a unique session key will be generated.
  2. Share the Session Key. Copy the session key displayed in the input field by clicking the Copy Session Key button. Share this unique key with your friends you want to join your session.
  3. Load Your Video. Click the Choose File button to load a video file from your local device. Make sure your friends have the exact same video file to ensure a seamless viewing experience.
  4. Start the Session. Once your friends have joined the session (they should inform you when they're ready), you can start playing the video. As a host, you control the play and pause actions. Everyone else in your session will see these actions replicated on their own devices.

For the Guests

  1. Join a Session. Paste the session key shared by the host into the input field and click the Join Session button.
  2. Load the Same Video. Click the Choose File button to load the same video file from your local device. Make sure it's exactly the same video file that the host is using.
  3. Enjoy the Show. Once you've joined the session and loaded the video, all you have to do is wait for the host to start the session. Your video will play, pause, and seek synchronized with the host's control.

That's it! Enjoy your shared video watching experience with SharePlay.